
My Name is Igor, and I am professional developer

This is to confirm my affiliation with the website

I am sharing my experience and knowledge with US and Australia customers more than 10 years.

My top skills are:

  • Complex Laravel based websites
  • Android applications
  • Advanced HTML5/CSS3 animated websites
  • Ruby on Rails applications
  • High quality commercial Wordpress plugins


  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • Java
  • MySQL
  • Ruby
  • NodeJS
  • Laravel
  • Wordpress
  • Android
  • Ruby On Rails


Football bets website

Developed multi-language Laravel based website with complex database. Site membership management with payment processing. Multi server background import processing using many sources

Australian doctors search website


Created wordpress plugin for searching nearest doctors using user geolocation obtained by IP, zipcode or browser geolocation API. Created doctors catalog using wordpress custom posts and Google Maps API. Created cosmetic procedures catalog with visual editor for admin. Made full website optimization: page cache, images optimization, requests number minimization, js/css minification.

Australian security company website


Developed HTML5 Fullwidth scroll parallax website. Used CSS3 Transforms and Animations, SVG animations, Wordpress. Combined scroll navigation main page and separate pages with blog, news and catalog.

Jewelry parallax responsive catalog


Converted design to HTML5 onepage responsive catalog with parallax scroll navigation. Website have desktop, tablet and phone look. CSS3 Transitions and Transformations used.

Hair and makeup artist portfolio


Converted design to HTML5 AJAX fullscreen onepage wordpress theme. Advanced page transition animatins.

New Zeland creative agency portfolio


Converted design to responsive HTML5 Wordpress theme with animated page transitions.